Monday, December 12, 2011

Possible solutions to reducing the level of CO2 in the atmosphere?

Ask your science teacher if you could experiment or do some research to see what would happen. Parroting the party line of discredited climatologists doesn't teach you anything. Consider all factors, start to finish short and long term. Money is a concern, because it takes a productive effort to provide income. The money a solution costs, and its requirement for maintenance, are important factors in its long-term effect. Some "solutions" cost more, some cost less, both in money amounts and environmental effects. Example: "increase manufacturing" in your home area reduces transportation for those products to you, a savings in long-term cost and a benefit in environmental effects. Example: "reducing petroleum use" increases costs of energy and transportation, and "alternative energy sources" cause more polution in manufacturing and maintenance which cost more in the long term, both in money and environmental effects. Example: "clearing the rain forests" doesn't have much effect because they grow back within a few months or are replaced with productive farms.


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